Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To hire or not to hire...

Hi friends! Geek Evaluation help you in finding candidates which will help you in your forthcoming project. At Geek you can create and configure your own test in which you select the technologies on the basis of which you hire them.Under each technology questions are defined by the experts and these are divided into four different level to test the candidate matrix. You can also add your questions to the test in the respective technology. Result will be displayed separately for each technology and Complexity level wise. Geek will help you to quickly analysis and evaluate the result to find skilled and qualified candidates needed in your project. Find more features on geekevaluation.com

Monday, February 23, 2009

Slums won oscars!!!

It was multi-hued India's day in the Oscar sun, even if the movie was made by a Brit under an international banner. Critics will continue to rage that the film is not truly Indian and the westerners who made it simply exploited the dark underbelly of Indian poverty to provoke foreign sensitivities and win awards. History will simply record the bottomline — a movie inspired by an Indian story and a largely Indian cast and crew took home eight Oscars. However, whosoever has made the movie, in my opinion,the movie is truly Indian as it depicts the cruel reality of India.